

  Instructor Lauren Campbell, will lead the class in making this unique picture book. $20 all supplies included. Please email or call Rose at 204.305.0710 to register.
Alcohol Inks

Alcohol Inks

  Instructor Betty Sawatzky shows how create these colorful yet simple landscapes. Wednesday May 2 or May 16 at 7pm at the Arts Hall $20 all Supplies included, $5 for additional tile.  Please email info@bmartscouncil,ca or call Rose at 204.3053.0710 to...

Family Art Morning

Saturday May 12 10:00am -12:00pm at the Arts Hall Puppet Making! Fun for all ages.  $5 a person, all supplies provided please email to register
Woodcarving – 2018

Woodcarving – 2018

Every Second and Fourth Tuesday of the Month Wood Carving! @dantheman_itoban will be hosting a drop-in wood carving workshop at the arts hall. $5. Supplies included but feel free to bring what you have. Email for more...